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Lummi Island Ice Cream Scoop and Fairy Door Company

Karrie Zylstra Myton

Last June, I drove to scenic Lummi Island where I visited with two friends I hadn't seen in about ten years. I was thrilled to tour Willie Kelley's wood shop with his fantastic projects filling the place almost completely. It filled my heart with memories of Grandpa Carlson's woodshop—Willie was just missing those piles of sawdust I remember on Grandpa's floor.

Willie with the bandsaw and a few other dangerous and fantastic tools  in a small wood shop
Willie with the bandsaw and a few other dangerous and fantastic tools

I'm going to keep this post short and full of photos because I need to get it out before the fundraising sale Willie is doing as a part of his Lummi Island Ice Cream Company and Fairy Door collaborations.

All of the materials for his artistic creations were made from donated materials and all of the profits from the sales go to support the Lummi Island school.

It was fantastic to get out to see the shop and to visit with his wife Karin and him. He even let me take a bowl home after he engraved it with one of his technological laser tools.

I'll end here with Willie's write up for this weekend's grand sale from Karin's Facebook page and a link to the Lummi Island Studio Tour website.

"The crew at Willie’s Woodworks/Fairy Door Co. have been working overtime to get everything ready for this weekend—the final days of the fundraiser for the Beach Elementary School’s Lummi Island Foundation for Education (LIFE).

Tables will be packed with Lummi Island Ice Cream Co. restored ice cream scoops along with a mountain of Fairy Doors, bowls, cutting/charcuteríe boards. Plus, something new: wooden warning signs to remind you to be safe in the wake of recent sea monster attacks on cars near Lummi Island beaches!!! And, as if that’s not enough (it might be), there will be wooden signs advising how to swim safely with Salish Sea killer whales!!!

It’s all about keeping you and your loved ones safe. And, making sure you have ice cream scoops. And, Fairy Doors. And, bowls. And, cutting/charcuteríe boards. Whilst making some dough for the kids at the Beach School. Every penny of every dollar you spend goes to LIFE.

The photos show some of the koa cutting boards (which look even more stunning in person), charcuteríe boards, and Fairy Doors.

Please remember that the LIFE fundraiser ends this weekend….ending at 5pm Sunday.

It’s all part of the wonderful Island-wide Lummi Island Artists’ Studio Tour this Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Willie’s Woodworks/Fairy Door Co. will be stationed at the beautiful Carriage House Gardens on North Nugent Road.

Just look for the Fairies. They’ll be flitting all over the place. Mostly around the free candy bowl."

A table full of ice cream scoops and small fairy doors

man in blue t-shirt, hawaiian print shirt, and shorts sitting and smiling next to table full of woodwork

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