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How to Grow Money Like Trees

Karrie Zylstra Myton

a close up of a Money tree in a coffee shop

A while ago I saw a beautiful small tree in a University Place coffee shop. I used my plant app to figure out that it was a Money tree—a Pachira aquatica or a similar variety called the Pachira glabra.

I have plenty of indoor plants that I keep in the window sill in front of my office desk. I really didn't need another, but the green leaves and the braided trunk appealed to me, so I started looking around for a money tree to add to my collection.

The local garden store had a very small one on sale so I got in line to pay for it after getting my orchid repotted. As I checked out with my new baby tree, the cashier smiled and told me to let her know if it made me any money.

I joked that I would definitely be back to buy more plants if the Money tree worked out.

Although I laughed, I started to think about money as I cared for my plant and watched it continue to leaf out. I may soon need to repot it and would be delighted if it grows into a much larger tree!

As the Money tree grew, I also started to notice some similarities between taking care of my tree and taking care of my finances.

green leaves from Swiss cheese plant
  1. Just like it's important to pay attention to details of caring for my Money tree, I also need to pay attention to the facts and figures of my dollars and cents.

I need to put my tree in the correct sunlight and in a place where I'll notice if it's too dry or if the soil is plenty wet and I don't need to add water. It's not a bad idea to read up on my plant or ask someone who knows how to care for it. Sometimes I don't watch carefully and my tree dries out. Sometimes I overwater them and they die from too much attention.

All of these things are true for my financial resources too. I need to keep my money in a place where I can see what's happening with it. If there is a problem, I'll want to notice and do something to fix it if I can—in plenty of time before things get worse. 

green leaves in a cup of coins

2. It's important not to fuss too much over my tree or my finances. 

If I worry too much about my Money tree it may well die from overwatering. If my money takes up too much space in my mind and heart, its best uses can also wither from over-attention. Obsessive focus hurts both plants and monetary resources. More than that, the obsession hurts my heart.

green tree in a small green cup

3. Sometimes plants just live out their lifespan and it's time to let them go like it can be time to let go of some sources of money or accept that some of my money is lost to me. 

When this happens, I've found it's helpful to think of the lessons I've learned and not to make too many harsh judgments about myself and the way I care for my plants or money.

hand in a field with yellow flowers and green stems

4. As often as not, there is a sort of magic that comes with finding that balance of caring for both a Money tree and my financial resources.

This last one is hard to explain but is really my favorite part of tending to Money trees and money. When I pay careful and balanced attention to them, they often flourish.

Money doesn't grow on trees. But caring for my Money tree might not be all that different from caring for the dollars that support me and my family. Who knows? Maybe with careful practice and balanced attention to both, I’ll get to go back to Watson’s and buy more green and growing things. 

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